Dental Hygiene/Teeth Cleaning in Newark, CA

sealants - Newark Family Dental

Regular Dental Checkups

A dental exam is necessary to get good oral hygiene and is an effective way to identify problems at their initial stages.

The American Dental Association recommends checkups two times a year. Your needs for oral hygiene may differ from age and the state of your teeth and gums. Your dentist may ask you to schedule a dental checkup that is more than twice a year.

What Can I Expect from Dental Hygiene/Teeth Cleaning Services?

A professional dentist performs a dental checkup to guide you about any problems.

  • Your dental checkup includes a visual examination of the mouth, jaw, face, and neck
  • Diagnosis of oral issues
  • Examination of a gingival pocket
  • Dental cleaning

Visual Examination

Your Dentist will use an intraoral camera during your examination and check all the surface areas in your mouth with advanced magnification and lighting. Dental Examination also includes the inspection of decayed and cracked teeth and an evaluation of the floor and roof of your mouth, gums, tongue, and mucous membrane.

Teeth Cleaning

Special instruments are used to clean your teeth and eliminate plaque from above and below the gumline. After cleaning your teeth, teeth polishing is done.

Good Oral Hygiene

  • Brush your teeth at least two times a day.
  • Do not skip dental flossing.
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce the chances of bacteria.
  • Use a tongue scraper or a good-quality toothbrush to clean your tongue on a regular basis.
  • Visit our dental office regularly for dental checkups and cleaning.